Invest in ME Research International ME Conference 2010

IIMEC5 - A New Era in ME/CFS Research

The 5th International ME/CFS Conference 2010 took place on 24th May 2010 in London and was attended by presenters and delegates from 18 countries and four continents.
We would like to thank those attending the conference and contributing to another day showing the progress being achieved by biomedical research. The conference had a wonderful and exciting atmosphere which was present during the whole day.

For 2010 the conference concentrated on education of healthcare professionals and left no one in doubt about the serious consequences of this illness.
It also continued to show the promise and real hope of treatments for this illness based on science and proper investigations. We hope that everyone left not only with an enhanced knowledge gained from the conference but also with renewed hope for development of more treatments for myalgic encephalomyelitis.

To the presenters we extend our grateful thanks for the work you are doing. The breadth of knowledge, science and experience regarding ME, as discussed and presented at the conference, is not only impressive but also exciting.

We hope that the many contacts which were established at the conference will continue and we hope to remain in contact with as many of you as possible.

The conference for 2010 showed the urgent need for more funding for biomedical research and the sure progress being made by those committed professionals with a clear strategy for scientific advancement.

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With fourteen countries represented at the conference the 5th Invest in ME International ME/CFS Conference brought together researchers, clinicians, journalists, patients, support groups and even film crews. IiME also self-funded places for some media persons and some researchers and offered places to others in order to improve knowledge of ME.

Unfortunately the editor of the British Medical Journal, despite numerous emails inviting her to come and assurances that the BMJ would be represented at the conference, nevertheless left it to nine hours before the conference start to inform that she would not be attending. The fact that the BMJ could not find one person to attend this major conference made it difficult for anyone to have any faith in the BMJ editorial staff ever commenting on the subject of ME and be taken seriously.

With hindsight the BMJ's tunnel vision was predictable. But there are many more positives from the conference to make up for establishment apathy. One of the attendees at the conference, Dr Martin Scurr, a GP and also writer of a column in the Daily Mail entitled "Ask the Doctor", wrote after the conference in his column of 7th June the following -

"I admit it, I was wrong. For many years, I - like many of my medical colleagues - have blamed ME on psychological or behavioural causes.
Then, last month, I attended the 5th (Invest in ME) World Conference on ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome)."

For a doctor and a national newspaper to admit they have been wrong demonstrates the conferences are having an effect.

As we have maintained all the while education about the illness is the surest way to defeat the vested interests who have much to lose or who make a living out of the misinformation about ME. The online article by Dr Scurr is available - click here. The American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology invited all of the Invest in ME 2010 conference speakers to submit their papers for publication. The first one by Professor Leonard Jason is now available online. We are pleased to see this paper on a revised Canadian Definition published for the wider audience - click here. [also].

The 2010 conference DVD has already been distributed to twenty countries around the world.

A new feature for this year's conference DVD was a pre-conference "brainstorming" session with some of the speakers at the conference. 

Conference Presentations from IIMEC5


August 2010 Newsletter


Journal of IiME Volume 4 Issue 1

Our Sponsors for IIMEC5

Invest in ME wish to thank the following organisations for helping to sponsor the 5th Invest in ME International ME Conference 2010.

The Irish ME Trust

The Irish ME Trust have sponsored a speaker at all of our conferences and we would like to thank them for their continued support.


Last Update 10/08/2019